In October 2005 Wes, Ted, and Phil had a conversation in Wes' apartment.
WES: Hey guys I went to this really cool film festival yesterday.
PHIL: Oh yea?
WES:Yea we should totally go next year.
TED: Okay. What do we have to do to get in?
WES: Hmm..we have to make a movie.
One year later, the three of us attended the festival, but this time, as filmmakers part of it. While driving down to the gala last saturday we reflected on how crazy the year was. Everything that has happened, and how we actually accomplished what we set out to do.
The gala and our screening were a lot of fun, but also a good learning experience. Though we were extremely proud that we were even able to make it in, we can see that there is a still a long way to go for us, and we are far from being truly where we want to be. The three of us were definitely the youngest attending, and we sure felt it. But all in all, it was a great experience.
Here are some highlights.

Finding our seats for the dinner and awards show.

Us pretending to be cool

Dood, that's Daniel Dae Kim. Very nice guy too.
So the actual screening took place on Wed the 18th at 5:30pm to a sold out theater! Thanks so much to everyone who attended. More pictures and stories to come.